Wednesday, 27 July 2011


This year every thing has been fluctuating.From the grocery where i get my vegetables and fruits to the fuel of putting a hot meal on the table.I am told that there is a great economy depression affecting the big five and leaves me wondering what the economy of the big five has to do with our soils that GM foodstuffs has to be imported into this country!

 I am looking for a house that i can move into next month.Where i live, the house rent has been raised by five hundred shillings.She came at the beggining of this month highly intoxicated at the middle of the night shouting and waking everyone up.Actually we thought that perhaps the robers had came inside the plot.
"From next month" she said with a heavy toungue while leaning on the wall of one of the houses.
"I am issuing a public notice that come next month your house rent will increase by five hundred shillings.Whoever  feels that he/she cannot pay, should leave my house before the 25th of this month so that i can inform other clients who are looking for houses in advance or else i will be forced to throw you out of the house by 5th of next month"
"You cannot come in the middle of the night and just raise the house rent expecting us to comply to your decision while you know very well that we are Jua Kali people.We don't have formal jobs that we could
surmount to your descision.Despite, what are we paying that money for? You ration the electricity to us, there is no water-we have to buy." one man complined.
"Yes, even the houses are old. Someone walking outside at night can peep through the spaces between the timbers and see what you are doing in the house,infact the roofs are leaking and full of siut and the floor is worn out" another woman supported the first man.
"That makes us vulnarable to thieves, we dont have security guards here and i have been loosing my childrens clothes whenever i put them on the line after washing. When i came to complin to you, vouguely you drove me back saying its not your responsibility to watch over my belongings.You went ahead and insulted me that you are not the one who brought to the city" the third person complined.
The voices became even more loud than the whole plot was awake.The whole commotion attracted neighbours from other plots.
"Whats going on here? One man from the neighboring plot asked"
"Look at this plot.She is telling us that the rent has been increased by five hundred shillings next month"the first compainant explained.
"And she is thretening to throw us out by the fifth of next month if we dont show commitments to her demands"
"Shut up you dogs.I can do anthing i want with my houses.Nobody helped me is setting up these houses therefore my descision is final" barked the intoxicated landlady.
"We wont" exclaimed the tenants including myself.
"Look at the pit latrine, it smells like a decomposing dog and the structure can fall anytime.Not only that, the shit is to the brim becoming a great health hazard to uor children.We cannot take our visitors into those toilets" the list of the complinants doubled.
"Today it has been raining and this whole plot appears to be like a ploughed garden.Sometimes you get out of this plot and you find outside dry which leaves people wondering where you come from if a gardener is lost in the city or if there are no enough farmers stockists in the rural"
"Do you people know of Kenya Landlord and Tenant-Landlord's rights are strong in Kenya , or Kenya's Proposed Constitution and the Freedom of Religion?"
If we all know of the landlord and tenant law that governs us, then such like incident will cease.


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